
Discover the beauty of our wildlife!

Puffins flies with fish in the beak over the water.

Puffins have a very special meaning to me. I saw them regularly during summer holidays in North Wales as a kid and I can say they sparked my fascination for the animal world.

Red fox with eye-catching ears and soft fur in a green meadow.


The fox simply captured my heart. My first encounter with a fox cub was indescribable and two foxes chasing each other in the snow was a incredible experience.

A kingfisher holds a small fish in the beak, on a mossy branch.

Hardly any other bird in Germany triggers such a fascination as the kingfisher. With its shimmering blue plumage, it looks like a small diamond.

Squirrel drinks at the water edge, reflection visible in water.

I just love these cute animals. Discover great photos with reflections. 






Young duckling with fluffy, brown-white plumage stands on the shore.

Chicks of swans, Egyptian geese, great crested grebes and much more. Simply cute!

A squirrel stands upright in the grass and holds something between her front paws.

Both are very endangered species, both are very fascinating and cute animals.

A black cormorant sits on a tree branch and looks to the left.

Songbirds, waterfowl, birds of prey, exotic birds and much more.

Black bear on rocky bottom, surrounded by moss and algae.

Black bears, wolverines, deer... from Canada, Finland and more.

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